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JUST after I had been speaking of the mistake made by Christians in regarding Jesus. as a ready-made perfection, I received a momentary vision confirming what I had been saying. For it represented to me the gradual perfectionment of the Christ

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through suffering, or experience; and a voice uttered aloud the words "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to have entered into his glory?" And other like passages also were suggested to my mind. 1

Soon after this I found myself in my sleep sitting on a hill-side and carving a Cross out of wood. And a young man came to me and said, "I alone know how to make crosses, and I will show you if you will come with me." And I took him for Jesus 2 and I followed him, and in our converse, which was long, but of which I remember but a small part, he spoke much of the difficulty that lies in the way of any one who wishes to attain a full revelation owing to the deterioration of man's system through impure habits of life and especially in respect of food, through which the blood is tainted and the tissues rendered incapable of the sensitiveness necessary for perfect interior vision. Even with all his advantages of as pure a paternity and maternity as the earth afforded, he said, he himself had been unable to attain to perfect knowledge, and now, after nearly two thousand years of further degeneration, it is hopeless to attain all. That will come only when the world has for many generations lived purely, and the human system has recovered in a great degree the perfection which properly belongs to it, and which it once had. It is to man frugivorous, and to him alone, that the Intuition reveals herself, and of her comes all revelation. For between him and his spirit there is no barrier of blood; and in him alone can the spirit and the man be at one.


69:1 Paris, October 1, 1879. Received in sleep. Referred to in Life of Anna Kingsford, vol. i, p. 315.

70:1 Luke xxiv, 26 (Douay Version): Heb. V, 7, 8, 9; I Pet. iv, 1.

70:2 But afterwards believed him to have been Hermes, assuming, as is his wont, a character in accordance with his message.    E. M.

Next: No. XXVII: Concerning Christian Pantheism