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Îhîyîyaha, etc.
Q!êt gâ'atgê dAñ tcî'ngañ a L! dA'lgîns Lû dAñ gê'dAñgîn
Passage | through | to you | guests | come here | when | you | used to dance
    gaña'ñ dAñ gêtgâ'ñAñ dâ gûdAña'owus dâ ku'ngîñansa.
    like | you | to be dancing (etc.) | you | thought | to be so | you | cry for it.
LLû ga gê'dAñgîn gaña'ñ wA'ga ge'daowus.
Olden things times | were | like | that way | it is now.
XA'ldAñ dâ'gans xA'nhao gu'lxa lâs dâ'gaxida.
Slaves even (common people) | own | even | abalone-shells | good | begin | to own.
Îhiya, etc.

Îhîyîyaha, etc.
You cry because you want to dance as you used to when guests came through the strait 1 to you.
It is not now as it was in olden times.
Even slaves (that is, members of other families besides the Yaku gî'tîna-i) are beginning to own good abalone shells.
Îhiya, etc.


39:1 The strait is probably Skidegate Channel.

Next: 57.