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Sūra XVI.: Naḥl or The Bee.  Sūra XVIII.: Kahf, or the Cave.

Hypertext Qur'an  Unicode  Palmer  Pickthall  Yusuf Ali English  Rodwell 

Sūra XVII.: Banī Isrā-īl, or the Children of Israel,

Section 1 (1-10)
Section 2 (11-22)
Section 3 (23-30)
Section 4 (31-40)
Section 5 (41-52)
Section 6 (53-60)
Section 7 (61-70)
Section 8 (71-77)
Section 9 (78-84)
Section 10 (85-93)
Section 11 (94-100)
Section 12 (101-111)