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 How Sir Launcelot came the same time that Sir Meliagrance
 abode him in the field and dressed him to battle
 NOW leave we Sir Launcelot wallop all that he might, and
 speak we of Queen Guenever that was brought to a fire to
 be brent; for Sir Meliagrance was sure, him thought, that
 Sir Launcelot should not be at that battle; therefore he
 ever cried upon King Arthur to do him justice, other-else
 bring forth Sir Launcelot du Lake.  Then was the king
 and all the court full sore abashed and shamed that the
 queen should be brent in the default of Sir Launcelot.
 My lord Arthur, said Sir Lavaine, ye may understand that
 it is not well with my lord Sir Launcelot, for an he were
 alive, so he be not sick outher in prison, wit ye well he
 would be here; for never heard ye that ever he failed his
 part for whom he should do battle for.  And therefore,
 said Sir Lavaine, my lord, King Arthur, I beseech you
 give me license to do battle here this day for my lord and
 master, and for to save my lady, the queen.  Gramercy
 gentle Sir Lavaine, said King Arthur, for I dare say all
 that Sir Meliagrance putteth upon my lady the queen is
 wrong, for I have spoken with all the ten wounded
 knights, and there is not one of them, an he were whole
 and able to do battle, but he would prove upon Sir
 Meliagrance's body that it is false that he putteth upon
 my queen.  So shall I, said Sir Lavaine, in the defence of
 my lord, Sir Launcelot, an ye will give me leave.  Now
 I give you leave, said King Arthur, and do your best,
 for I dare well say there is some treason done to Sir
 Then was Sir Lavaine armed and horsed, and suddenly
 at the lists' end he rode to perform this battle; and right
 as the heralds should cry: Lesses les aler, right so came in
 Sir Launcelot driving with all the force of his horse.  And
 then Arthur cried:  Ho! and Abide!  Then was Sir
 Launcelot called on horseback to-fore King Arthur, and
 there he told openly to-fore the king and all, how Sir
 Meliagrance had served him first to last.  And when the
 king, and the queen, and all the lords, knew of the
 treason of Sir Meliagrance they were all ashamed on his
 behalf.  Then was Queen Guenever sent for, and set by the
 king in great trust of her champion.  And then there was
 no more else to say, but Sir Launcelot and Sir Meliagrance
 dressed them unto battle, and took their spears; and so
 they came together as thunder, and there Sir Launcelot
 bare him down quite over his horse's croup.  And then
 Sir Launcelot alighted and dressed his shield on his
 shoulder, with his sword in his hand, and Sir Meliagrance
 in the same wise dressed him unto him, and there they
 smote many great strokes together; and at the last Sir
 Launcelot smote him such a buffet upon the helmet that
 he fell on the one side to the earth.  And then he cried
 upon him aloud:  Most noble knight, Sir Launcelot du
 Lake, save my life, for I yield me unto you, and I require
 you, as ye be a knight and fellow of the Table Round,
 slay me not, for I yield me as overcome; and whether I
 shall live or die I put me in the king's hands and yours.
 Then Sir Launcelot wist not what to do, for he had had
 liefer than all the good of the world he might have been
 revenged upon Sir Meliagrance; and Sir Launcelot looked
 up to the Queen Guenever, if he might espy by any sign
 or countenance what she would have done.  And then the
 queen wagged her head upon Sir Launcelot, as though she
 would say:  Slay him.  Full well knew Sir Launcelot by
 the wagging of her head that she would have him dead;
 then Sir Launcelot bade him rise for shame and perform
 that battle to the utterance.  Nay, said Sir Meliagrance, I
 will never arise until ye take me as yolden and recreant.
 I shall proffer you large proffers, said Sir Launcelot, that
 is for to say, I shall unarm my head and my left quarter
 of my body, all that may be unarmed, and let bind my
 left hand behind me, so that it shall not help me, and
 right so I shall do battle with you.  Then Sir Meliagrance
 started up upon his legs, and said on high:  My lord
 Arthur, take heed to this proffer, for I will take it, and
 let him be disarmed and bounden according to his proffer.
 What say ye, said King Arthur unto Sir Launcelot, will ye
 abide by your proffer?  Yea, my lord, said Sir Launcelot,
 I will never go from that I have once said.
 Then the knights parters of the field disarmed Sir
 Launcelot, first his head, and sithen his left arm, and his
 left side, and they bound his left arm behind his back,
 without shield or anything, and then they were put
 together.  Wit you well there was many a lady and
 knight marvelled that Sir Launcelot would jeopardy
 himself in such wise.  Then Sir Meliagrance came with his
 sword all on high, and Sir Launcelot showed him openly
 his bare head and the bare left side; and when he weened
 to have smitten him upon the bare head, then lightly he
 avoided the left leg and the left side, and put his right
 hand and his sword to that stroke, and so put it on side
 with great sleight; and then with great force Sir Launcelot
 smote him on the helmet such a buffet that the stroke
 carved the head in two parts.  Then there was no more
 to do, but he was drawn out of the field.  And at the
 great instance of the knights of the Table Round, the
 king suffered him to be interred, and the mention made
 upon him, who slew him, and for what cause he was slain;
 and then the king and the queen made more of Sir
 Launcelot du Lake, and more he was cherished, than ever
 he was aforehand.