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 How the stepmother of Sir Tristram had ordained poison for
 to have poisoned Sir Tristram.
 BUT then through the fair speech of the gentlewoman, and by the
 means that she made, the most part of the barons would not assent
 thereto.  And then they let carry home the dead queen, and much
 dole was made for her.
 Then this meanwhile Merlin delivered King Meliodas out of prison
 on the morn after his queen was dead.  And so when the king was
 come home the most part of the barons made great joy.  But the
 sorrow that the king made for his queen that might no tongue
 tell.  So then the king let inter her richly, and after he let
 christen his child as his wife had commanded afore her death. 
 And then he let call him Tristram, the sorrowful born child. 
 Then the King Meliodas endured seven years without a wife, and
 all this time Tristram was nourished well.  Then it befell that
 King Meliodas wedded King Howell's daughter of Brittany, and anon
 she had children of King Meliodas: then was she heavy and wroth
 that her children should not rejoice the country of Liones,
 wherefore this queen ordained for to poison young Tristram.  So
 she let poison be put in a piece of silver in the chamber whereas
 Tristram and her children were together, unto that intent that
 when Tristram were thirsty he should drink that drink.  And so it
 fell upon a day, the queen's son, as he was in that chamber,
 espied the piece with poison, and he weened it had been good
 drink, and because the child was thirsty he took the piece with
 poison and drank freely; and therewithal suddenly the child brast
 and was dead.
 When the queen of Meliodas wist of the death of her son, wit ye
 well that she was heavy.  But yet the king understood nothing of
 her treason.  Notwithstanding the <281>queen would not leave
 this, but eft she let ordain more poison, and put it in a piece. 
 And by fortune King Meliodas, her husband, found the piece with
 wine where was the poison, and he that was much thirsty took the
 piece for to drink thereout.  And as he would have drunken
 thereof the queen espied him, and then she ran unto him, and
 pulled the piece from him suddenly.  The king marvelled why she
 did so, and remembered him how her son was suddenly slain with
 poison.  And then he took her by the hand, and said:  Thou false
 traitress, thou shalt tell me what manner of drink this is, or
 else I shall slay thee.  And therewith he pulled out his sword,
 and sware a great oath that he should slay her but if she told
 him truth.  Ah! mercy, my lord, said she, and I shall tell you
 all.  And then she told him why she would have slain Tristram,
 because her children should rejoice his land.  Well, said King
 Meliodas, and therefore shall ye have the law.  And so she was
 condemned by the assent of the barons to be burnt; and then was
 there made a great fire, and right as she was at the fire to take
 her execution, young Tristram kneeled afore King Meliodas, and
 besought him to give him a boon.  I will well, said the king
 again.  Then said young Tristram, Give me the life of thy queen,
 my stepmother.  That is unrightfully asked, said King Meliodas,
 for thou ought of right to hate her, for she would have slain
 thee with that poison an she might have had her will; and for thy
 sake most is my cause that she should die.
 Sir, said Tristram, as for that, I beseech you of your mercy that
 you will forgive it her, and as for my part, God forgive it her,
 and I do; and so much it liked your highness to grant me my boon,
 for God's love I require you hold your promise.  Sithen it is so,
 said the king, I will that ye have her life.  Then, said the
 king, I give her to you, and go ye to the fire and take her, and
 do with her what ye will.  So Sir Tristram went to the fire, and
 by the commandment of the king delivered her from the death.  But
 after that King Meliodas would never have ado with her, as at bed
 and board.  But by the <282>good means of young Tristram he made
 the king and her accorded.  But then the king would not suffer
 young Tristram to abide no longer in his court.