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The Holy Quran, tr. by Yusuf Ali, [1934], at

p. 1663


Mursalāt, or Those Sent Forth.

In the name of God, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful.

1. By the (Winds) Sent Forth
One after another
(To man's profit);

2. Which then blow violently
In tempestuous Gusts,

3. And scatter (things)
Far and wide;

4. Then separate them,
One from another,

p. 1664

5. Then spread abroad
A Message,

6. Whether of Justification
Or of Warning;—

7. Assuredly, what ye are
Promised must come to pass.

8. Then when the stars
Become dim;

9. When the heaven
Is cleft asunder;

10. When the mountains are
Scattered (to the winds) as dust;

11. And when the apostles
Are (all) appointed a time
(To collect);—

12. For what Day are these
(Portents) deferred?

p. 1665

13. For the Day of Sorting out.

14. And what will explain
To thee what is
The Day of Sorting out?

15. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

16. Did We not destroy
The men of old
(For their evil)?

17. So shall We make
Later (generations)
Follow them.

18. Thus do We deal
With men of sin.

19. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

20. Have We not created
You from a fluid
(Held) despicable?—

21. The which We placed
In a place of rest,
Firmly fixed,

p. 1666

22. For a period (of gestation),
Determined (according to need)?

23. For We do determine
(According to need); for We
Are the Best to determine (things).

24. Ah woe, that Day!
To the Rejecters of Truth!

25. Have We not made
The earth (as a place)
To draw together

26. The living and the dead,

27. And made therein
Mountains standing firm,
Lofty (in stature);
And provided for you
Water sweet (and wholesome)?

28. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

p. 1667

29. (It will be said:)
"Depart ye to that
Which ye used to reject
As false!

30. "Depart ye to a Shadow
(Of smoke ascending)
In three columns,

31. "(Which yields) no shade
Of coolness, and is
Of no use against
The fierce Blaze.

32. "Indeed it throws about
Sparks (huge) as Forts,

33. "As if there were
(A string of) yellow camels
(Marching swiftly).

34. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

35. That will be a Day
When they shall not

p. 1668

Be able to speak,

36. Nor will it be
Open to them
To put forth pleas.

37. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

38. That will be a Day
Of Sorting out! We shall
Gather you together
And those before (you)!

39. Now, if ye have
A trick (or plot),
Use it against Me!

40. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!


41. As to the Righteous,
They shall be amidst
(Cool) shades and springs
(Of water),

p. 1669

42. And (they shall have)
Fruits,—all they desire.

43. "Eat ye and drink ye
To your heart's content:
For that ye worked

44. Thus do We certainly
Reward the Doers of Good.

45. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

46. (O ye Unjust!)
Eat ye and enjoy yourselves
(But) a little while,
For that ye are Sinners.

47. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

48. And when it is said
To them, "Prostrate yourselves!"
They do not so.

p. 1670

49. Ah woe, that Day,
To the Rejecters of Truth!

50. Then what Message,
After that,
Will they believe in?

p. 1671

Next: Sūra LXXVIII. Nabaa, or The (Great) News