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Transcript of Videotape Series Session 4 of 12

Beyond Human -- The Last Call - Session 4 (60 Min)

Welcome to the fourth session in our series, Beyond Human -- The Last Call. Well, I have to take the position of assuming that you have watched Sessions 1, 2, and 3. And if you really are trying to understand it, I hope you've watched them more than once. Now it's time for number 4. We're trying something different today. We haven't tried this before. We had a session earlier today, and we're going to try a second one in the same day. We're asking Ti and our helpers in our Father's Kingdom to bear with us, and we hope this is their desire, and if it isn't, I'm sure they'll let us know. We'll get right on with our questions because the way we are now designing our format is to listen to our previous session, and recognize the things that could be enlarged upon, or clarified some, and we then redo our questions. I think you're the next one on our question list. What is your question?

Student: Do you want to start off talking about "two containers" and the Trinity?

Do: Okay, two containers and the Trinity. That sounds like a strange combination, doesn't it? What do they mean by "two containers"? Earlier, in Session 3, we discussed the "vehicle," the "soul," the "mind." We said that the soul was the container for the mind, and we kind of assumed in that same picture that the vehicle is a container for the soul. In a sense, that's correct, even though the soul encompasses probably a little bit more space than the vehicle takes up. But it's a good working hypothesis to consider the vehicle a container for the soul, and the soul a container for the mind. So, keep in mind that we don't listen to the impulses of the vehicle. We're the ones that have the choice, the free will, the options, the listening capacity, and the decision-making capacity for what direction to take mind into the soul or into our package of information - our "pillowcase," or our container for information - by asking in the direction of our Father's Kingdom, or, if we're not careful, listening to things we didn't ask for.

Now, how does that fit in as part of the same question of what's the Trinity? A concept that has been so misunderstood, and so debated over the years, in doctrine, in the churches is the Trinity. When someone is a member of our Father's Kingdom, even if they are visiting or on a task in the human kingdom, but if they are a member of our Father's Kingdom, they are a "Trinity." They are within themselves a Trinity in the truest sense of its meaning. We just discussed the two vehicles and the mind. How am I, if I am a member of my Father's Kingdom and I am on an assigned task in the human kingdom, how am I a Trinity? Father, Son, Holy Ghost - Holy Spirit. Father: I am, because of my task and because of my station in my Father's Kingdom, I am a Father to children. I am a piece of pipe in this conduit that serves younger ones, newer ones, and therefore I am a "Father" to "sons." In the same sense, Ti and I both served in the same capacity, and still both serve in the capacity as Fathers to these students, I am a Father. I am a son - I am a son of my Heavenly Father. In a sense, since Ti is older, I am son to Ti. Ti is, in a sense, my Father. Now, I can be a Father even to grandchildren. And sons can even look to a Father, that is, if you want to use the human analogy, even a grandfather. Even if I want to say that Ti is my Father, and the Father that was the Father to the partnership is still the same Father that even the classroom can associate with. But they've been taught, and they've learned from experience, that if they start looking to that which they cannot know on a personal basis...remember, in previous lessons we've talked about a personal basis and a point of identification, a personal relationship with a member of the Kingdom of Heaven is what keeps you on track.

If my Heavenly Father, or the Heavenly Father that was the one above Ti and Do, has assigned Ti and Do to do a task with these students, and He has ordained that task, He has approved that task, He has the authority to establish that task, I'm afraid He does not permit you to bypass it. He says, "Look, I've given them to you. If you know Me, you'll see Me in them. If you don't see Me in them, either they aren't of Me or I am not in them, or you do not have the capacity to recognize Me." The same was true in Jesus' case, those who listened to Him, those who were His students, His disciples, those who called Him "teacher" or "rabbi" or "shepherd," they could not go off and pray to His Father. They did not know His Father. They knew Him. Plus His Father had said, "This is my Son of whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him! I've given Him to you and He's certainly more than adequate to fill the bill for your needs." Now Luci jumps in and boy! he has a heyday with that one, because he can try to shoot that one down in every direction. But if you know our Father, you will recognize that to be true. If you want our Father, and you continue to test that truth, you continue to test that truth and the world does not pull you back, your assurance, or your knowing that you are on the right path will increase and increase and increase. It's certainly expected of you, as it was these students, as it was with Ti and Do. When Ti and I were first awakening, goodness, we thought, "How can two people go insane at the same time, in the same ways"? All of a sudden we were thrown together and we were as different as night and day. We'd been together only a few months, and the next thing you know this information was coming into our heads that we'd come from the Kingdom of Heaven to deliver some information about what the truth is in the Kingdom of Heaven and how you get from the human kingdom into that Kingdom of Heaven. Goodness, we couldn't understand.

The point I'm making is, doubt is a common lesson ground. You can't expect to not go through it. I know that any of you that are listening today could easily doubt everything I'm saying. I expect you to doubt. I want you to doubt it. If you know my Father, you cannot put Him to any test that He cannot win, if you continue to pursue Him, and you are not overcome by the forces that would turn you astray. Jesus warned: 'Don't worry about losing your life. Worry about losing your soul.' Because there are those in Satan's kingdom who would even rob the souls of the elect - those that are chosen to get closer. So, this is a dangerous business. Doubt is par for the course. We don't expect you to not have to deal with it. Did I answer your question?

Student: I think you covered it pretty well.

Do: Okay, what's next on your list?

Student: Can a human vehicle be considered or recognized as a perennial?

Do: I'm glad you asked that because I realized in Session 3 that when we talked about the tulip, or when that information was given to us, then later as we listened to that session, more information came to clarify this issue. A good illustration of how the human plant is a perennial is to think of the family tree of the human vehicle - the human plant. Let's say the family tree is the "Thompson" tree. Those who call themselves "Thompsons" have a tie to that tree. Now, you're really tied to a couple of trees in the human kingdom. Let's say, for example, a female is not only tied to the tree of her mother and father, but she's also tied to the tree that she moves into by marriage. So, in a sense, she has two trees that she's been tied to. And depending upon which one she is the most tied to, is the most likelihood she would return to the next time she came up from the "bulb under the ground" like the tulip. In other words, if the Thompson family is the perennial plant, then for a vehicle to die and a soul that is in a human condition leaves that plant, it's no different than a leaf from the Thompson plant wilting and falling. And for every leaf that falls, one or two more leaves come back, and they, in that same Thompson branch, will be filled by the soul that is standing in line to get in that Thompson branch, that extension of that family tree, according to the degree of their bind with that family tree.

A funny thing here about using the name "Thompson," when you're in the process of overcoming, one of the things that helps you is to take a new name. This is adopted in a way in the Catholic church when nuns and some of the monks or hermits - some of the ones who isolate themselves more in thoughtful, studying conditions - they take another name. They take the name of a saint or some Biblical name and it helps disassociate them from the family tree. It helps get their mind more on their pursuit of their concept of God. I must admit to you, and this is one of our secrets, but in our whole session, in our group of sessions here with you, we're telling information that have been our secrets for many years. And now some of those secrets are being passed on to you. I do this with reluctance because I know of how it hurts some family members, and yet no intent is ever meant to hurt a family member. That's not the way of our Father's Kingdom. But the truth is that that soul belongs to - if that soul has any mind of our Father in it, even if it doesn't - the soul still belongs to our Heavenly Father.

When a soul begins to recognize its true parentage, it cannot help but relate to its parentage. The soul was created. If that soul is going to move into a Kingdom level that only relates at the Creation basis - not the reproductive basis as known in the human kingdom - it's going to relate to its Father, the one above it, the one that nurtured it, the one that taught it, the one that brought it through a womb, so to speak, from the human kingdom into the Heavenly Kingdom. So, part of what we do in our classroom is we take other names that have no particular significance. I spoke of these two students, and yet the names I use for them are not the ones you'd find on their driver's license or birth certificates of the vehicles they're wearing. But it applies to them satisfactorily - to the soul. All they are is the soul, because that is what they have become. They do not relate to the family tree that the vehicle they're wearing relates to any longer. They are denied that. They must be denied that. That family tree, because of its methods of even remaining a family tree, has become corrupted because of the influence of Lucifer's camp.

At this point, I want to apologize to all the Lucy's out there, and I'll try not to use that term again. I'll use "Lucifer" or I'll try to use "Satan." Because I certainly don't want the Lucille's or the Lucy's to feel, "Goodnight! I can't stand to listen to that guy because he speaks of Satan using my name." It's interesting that we bring this up when we're talking about names. If you come this way, you'll lose that one anyhow. I'm teasing. But I do apologize, and I'll try to remember to make the reference "Satan" and "Lucifer," because I do not like to offend you.

Our Heavenly Father does not like for you to be offended by anything of His that we deliver to you. Our Heavenly Father does not like for the families of the physical vehicles of the classroom to be hurt by what the students are doing. The families have the same thing that we possess - they have that little option; they have that free will. Look, the families of these two students can say, "I may not understand what they are doing, what they are pursuing, but I know they are trying to get closer to their Heavenly Father. And I've just got to put them in His hands and trust that He will lead them in the right direction and not let them go astray." That is their option. Or they can hate me. I would hate for them to hate me. Not because I hate to be hated. I would hate for them to have to be responsible for hating an instrument that has been chosen by the Kingdom of Heaven to be a vessel or a megaphone, an instrument for the Truth to be delivered to those who want to move out of the human condition into the Kingdom of Heaven. I've dreaded this topic, but we have to discuss it.

The students probably have several names. Take, for example, a student named "Susie." She has one that, should she get stopped in a traffic jam or she turns when she shouldn't at a stop sign, is the right legal one on her driver's license, and she doesn't hesitate to use it. But she doesn't identify with that name at all. She has another name that she uses should she need to work in the world in order to sustain our tummies or to put gasoline in the cars that we drive. That name is probably part of the name that showed up on that birth certificate or that driver's license, and she'll use that name at her work because it's not the one that the old influences or the old vehicle's impulses would respond to. So, frequently this is what we do, and the only reason that I'm telling you this is because we're in Session 4 now of this series, and if you're getting more and more interested, you're trying to think, "Whoa! What is this overcoming all about? What does it mean to be separate from the world"?

What's next?

Student: Where does this information come from? Does it come from you?

Do: (Laughs) We just answered that, but we'll answer it again. If it comes from me, it comes from the wrong source. It can come from me. Let me give you an example of how I got off track this morning. Only today I got off track. I get off track all the time. We had a recording session this morning and in my eagerness to get this task done, we've been doing one recording session a day. And here came a day when I thought, "We have the staff on hand, we have the crew on hand, and the time...maybe we can get in two recording sessions, and...." What did I just say? I said I had the thought maybe we could...Oops, I had the thought. I can't stop every time a thought comes into my head and qualify its source by saying, "I talked to Ti and I asked Ti what Ti thought about this." It's my responsibility to ask Ti in silence - I'm responsible for that. I'm also responsible for what comes out of my mouth. And when it's off track, I'm responsible for that. I'm responsible to get back on track. I'm responsible to acknowledge the zillions of times I have acknowledged to these students that I have recognized, by asking my Older Member, "Was that off track"? and receiving "Yes, that was a little off track." So, I say, "Whoops, we were a little off track, so we've got to get back on track." And this is what we do. We continue to work against getting off track.

What I'm saying is I thought, "Well, we could have two sessions today." Then, after the first session when I was a little pooped, I went in my privacy for a little while and I said "Ti, whoops, I forgot to ask you what you thought about two sessions today." Believe it or not, the funny thing I felt was that by proceeding with it, which was not at the time of day that we have been proceeding with sessions, I felt that Ti and Ti's helpers who were helping us with the session kind of scurried to get here to help us, and it was like we had trouble getting going. We had trouble moving in, being good vessels. It's like my word processor didn't want to work and I was trying to force things and trying to pull, which wouldn't have happened had I stopped and said, "Ti, what do you think about our having an earlier session, and a later session in the same day"?

Now, I'm just using that as an example. Where does this information come from? I'm quite capable of giving you misinformation. Wow! This gets into another issue. If you know my Father, if you learn that I am devoted to my Father and my Father uses me, and you can recognize Him through me, then you have to involve yourself in a position of trust with me - trust in the instrument that He has appointed or assigned or given - the instrument that now Ti continues to use. And I am responsible for asking for each little thing, each little thing all day long, all night long, each time I slip and don't ask, I catch myself needing to go back and ask. Now, that's good, it helps develop my habit of better asking, because I'm sure that you think, "Well I've always known about asking. 'Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye find.' I've known those things." But how often do you ask? About how serious does the question have to be for you to ask it? And when you ask it, if you don't get an answer, do you go ahead, or do you wait until you get one? And if you don't get one, then you assume it's not time for one or this is off base? Now, I'm not saying before you put the first spoon of your bowl of cereal in your mouth you have to say, "Older Member, would you have me put my first spoon of my cereal in my mouth? And then would you have me put my second spoon of my cereal in my mouth"? No, that's ridiculous, that's carrying it to an extreme. But believe it or not, I don't feel it is an extreme to ask my Older Member, "What do you think about this kind of cereal for this vehicle, at this "fuel stop," or this meal, this time to consume? Does that seem okay? If it's something you wouldn't approve of, I don't want to put it in this vehicle. So, if it is not proper, if you don't approve of it, I want to know about it."

That's just to try to help you know the degree of asking. These students have learned that I can forget to ask at times. I can give misinformation. But, they also know that I continue to go back and recognize that. And I even hate to say that because I don't even want to give myself credit for continuing. You know, I have to mention this one little thing. It's a silly, stupid little thing that Christians get into debating. "Once saved, always saved." Nothing could be further from the truth. I can fall ten times faster than I can rise. It's ten times easier to fall than it is to climb one step in the right direction. This is not an easy task - the one of overcoming, the one of getting into our Father's House, the one of leaving this world behind.

I heard over the news about a woman who in recent floods had lost her house and the furniture in it, and she was distraught. She said, "You know, these conditions like floods and storms and rain, I grew up thinking that the Lord brings those things, and therefore I don't feel bad about it. We'll just reconstruct." She said, "But I'm not ready to leave and go there. I like it; I still like it here." Big difference in where we sit and where she sat. I do not mean to criticize her. At least she acknowledged her Lord. I must admit to you I don't like it in this human kingdom. I don't like it one iota. It is so dominantly controlled, it vibrates through and through, everything that is against our Father's Kingdom because that is what it has become. In almost another breath, I could say it's almost normal at the end of an Age when a garden has served as a catalyst of negative and positive, and some can come out of it and even be fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven, it's almost a possible commonness at the end of an Age, for a garden to become this hideous.

I do not mean to criticize this garden, but even those of you who still love certain aspects of this garden know how out of control it has become - in our care of its environment, in our misuse of the things that have been given to us. We'll talk about what overcoming is and what some of the specifics are as we go on with our questions. But I don't like this place. I like our Father's Kingdom. I was sent here to do a task. I liked it before my soul really took over this vehicle and awakened. I liked it a lot, I had a lot of fun. I was very "into" this world. But now that the soul has taken it over, and my Father is speaking through it, I can honestly tell you that it's a miserable existence to be here. I try to make the best of it. I try to make it as pleasant as possible while I'm here, as pleasant for the students as it can be made while we're here. We have to do all kinds of little things to try to make it pleasant. But it's only because our minds are concentrated on things that are not of this world. When you are concentrating on things that are of another world that you are not in, you're left pretty vacant, except in the lessons and the knowledge of the fact that you're here for the purpose of overcoming.

Now, who's next in our questions?

Student: We talked about Ages and wondered if this would be an appropriate time to discuss the three Ages, or are there more than three Ages?

Do: Okay, I think we mentioned in a session that some Biblical scholars recognized that in the Bible there are references to the "Age that was," meaning the period of time prior to this Earth Age, and the "Age to come," in reference to another Earth Age. It's important that we discuss this a little bit. The scientists frequently argue with some "religionists," or some religious people who consider themselves creationists. Some of these creationists have the idea that this Age is how old the planet is, and that at the end of this Age it's all over. I don't know if they think the planet is also going to be destroyed, and I'm not saying the planet isn't. I'm not going to pre-guess what our Father's Kingdom plans to do with the planet. But, for sake of understanding, I think it's important that we examine that this planet has been here a long time.

I'm afraid that the information that Ti and I have been given suggests that it has served as a "garden" a number of times. We don't have any information about there being any other garden that can serve as that stepping stone for what we call a "human condition" elsewhere. Even though it seems so unbelievable that in these vast, vast, vast heavens that there is not another current garden. I'm not saying there isn't. I don't know...I simply don't know. But I do feel that the information that we have been given to understand, certainly at this point, does suggest that ages such as this period that we consider 6000 years (the duration of a Next Level experiment - a cycle of a human civilization), where at the beginning was.... Let's say there was a previous Age and it went through something equivalent to 6000 years, and those folks, too, had to mess it up. Then it was time to recycle it because the environment was a mess, and their clutter was a mess. And I don't know what they'd done with space junk or if they'd gotten into space. But it was time to go in, spade up the garden, harvest the yield, and get rid of the spoils - take the weeds and let them be destroyed, or maybe even let some space aliens come in and take strong weeds (weeds from our Father's point of view) at the end of that Age. The current Age, what we're calling approximately 6000 years, is pretty much illustrated as beginning at Adam's time, or right prior to that time. There were some other races that supposedly were put on the planet right prior to that time. But roughly, it's still within the framework of that 6000-year period, or Age, and that means that between now and the end of this decade - and I'm afraid I feel like we're off a number of years, that it's going to be significantly before the end of this decade - will be the end of this Age. So, it's spade time. And the big, big, big surprise will come.

What do we mean "a big surprise"? Well, when all that's out there (Kingdom of God and space aliens) comes in to harvest, the big question will be how much of that will be witnessed? How much of that will take place without those who are running around on the planet seeing, or knowing, that it will take place? For example, the possibility arises that some could come and take souls by the droves and all we would know is vehicles were dying by the droves, because souls weren't occupying them any longer. We could call it a plague or a disease, or we don't know. (And I'm certainly not suggesting because of the AIDS thing that that's what's happening to AIDS victims. Far from it.) But that's one way that harvesting could take place that we would not be able to observe. But it's altogether possible that our Father's Kingdom, as well as those in Luci's corporation, can come in at the end of the Age, en masse, and do their taking of those who they want, though they might likely come in at different times.

Now, here's a real delicate subject I hate to discuss. But I'm afraid that our Father's Kingdom is not going to come in.... (Boy! I can hear Luci shouting at me before I ever get these words out of my mouth. I'm sorry, "Luci" I said. I hear Satan shouting at me.) I'm afraid our Father's Kingdom is not going to come in and have someone looking like the common picture of Jesus floating down to the planet in flowing garb, showing scars, and saying, 'I, Jesus, have come to give you peace, and peace for the world.' I'm afraid our Father's Kingdom desires no peace for the human kingdom. In our Father's Kingdom can be found peace. Like we've discussed before, if you caught it, the human kingdom was not even designed to work. Even though the human kingdom could have become the Kingdom of our Father, had those who were created in the human kingdom made all the options to do only His will, instead of listening to those who were influencing them to do otherwise.

So, here at the end of the Age, back to the question "Ages," there were probably Ages before this one and before the one before. I don't have any idea how many Ages this garden has served as a "graduation" place, or as an "experiential" garden for the same kind of harvest that we just discussed. I have no idea how many times after this that this garden will be used in that way. There's a strong possibility that the garden may at this time cease to be used further as a garden for the human kingdom, and might actually become, in a sense, a base for our Father's Kingdom for a period of time. I don't know how long the healing process would take, even if this garden were to be recycled and used as a human level garden again, if it is, in fact, used as a human garden again. Another hypothesis that we must consider a little bit is that whatever that new garden is and when that new Age does arrive after the recycling has sufficiently occurred to give it a fresh start, then there will be a new "Adam." "Adam" meant beginning man, the first "plant" there that was. There will be a new Adam, a new Eve. There will be a new Satan, of all things, someone to represent that same negative, to pull your eyes away from our Father's Kingdom. I'm not saying that that is the way it's going to be. I'm saying, if our Father intends to use this garden in another planting similar to this one in the growth pattern that we have seen in this little Age.

The reason I brought that up is because a moment ago when I said that the big surprise could come, that spacecrafts could come in by the thousands, maybe come in shifts. One shift of spacecrafts could come in from one part of the Heavens bringing with them that one who came down with scars and flowing hair and flowing robes, saying, "Peace on Earth. We're going to solve all the problems of this world." Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be Jesus. It would not be Jesus. It would not be a Representative from our Father's Kingdom.

Now, those who had bought into that - and that's what they believed with all their heart - I'm afraid they're prime targets to believe him (the counterfeit), and to move into that condition. And it might even be harder to get out of that "misinformation corporation" after having left a human garden, than it was at the human garden, if an opportunity to get out does come to them later, after having moved into the corporation outside of the human condition. Don't forget, even that corporation at its highest peak is still in the human condition and made up of the misinformation of the opposition. But the only way any space alien could get into our Father's Kingdom is to come back into a human civilization (for it is designed to be where overcoming must take place, where the change of swapping misinformation for the Truth (the facts) must take place), if as our Father sees them and reads them on His meter, He says, "There's enough goodness in there, I want to give them a gift and let them migrate toward a source of that Truth." Then that overcoming would have to happen here, in a human civilization.

But, as far as three Ages are concerned, I don't know why, but I feel like there were many before this one, not just one. And as to what follows, I have no idea. It's a strong likelihood it could be a garden again, with a new Adam, a new Satan. But, our Father hasn't told me. I don't know what the next plan is. I know what some of the possibilities might be. Next question, who's up?

Student: I was wondering if you wanted to talk a little bit about when people die. Do they go where they think they're going? And I've also been having the thought, and I don't know if it's tied into it or if it's part of your thought, but does that have anything to do with, and you may have just touched on this, "What you're bound to on Earth, you're bound to in Heaven"?

Do: Okay. Do people go where they think they're going? I'm afraid we did just touch on that, but we'll enlarge on that a little bit. "What you're bound to on Earth, you're bound to in Heaven." Absolutely true. I mean, and it didn't come from Do, it didn't originate with us. Jesus said it, but I'm afraid it didn't originate with Jesus. It came from our Father's mind, that what you're bound to on Earth, you're bound to in Heaven. Now, that's just a way of saying what we just said, that if you expect to get into our Father's Kingdom, you've got to break the shackles. You've got to destroy the binds. You've got to rise above the binds. By your effort you've got to not give in to the things that would hold you in the human condition, or in the Earth's grasp, or the vibrations of the human kingdom.

If anybody loses their vehicle in the world, whatever they were hooked on - career, family, dope, anything else that they're hooked on at the time they leave their vehicle - that's what they're going to be hooked on. Now, you're saying, "Are they going to Heaven"? They might have just been put on "ice." They might even be in a discarnate condition for an extended period of time. I'm not saying that our Father's Kingdom puts everything on "ice." Our Father's Kingdom permits, certainly, many, many "discarnate humans" to remain in the "discarnate" state and serve Luci's camp - I'm sorry, Lucifer's camp - in a discarnate condition. But the ones who expect to get to our Father's Kingdom have to take a vehicle. They have to "get into" that vehicle. They have to gain complete control of that vehicle, and they have to acknowledge our Heavenly Father. They have to recognize that everything they have believed in has been wrong. They have to want cleansing, purity. They have to want to rid themselves of their whole way of life, their whole lifestyle, even (as we've discussed) their "identity," if they possibly could (which they can't quite do) in order to be received into His Household. But, if they're in the process of doing that to the best of their ability - only He can judge the best of their ability - He will protect them and save them, even if He had to plant them in another Age, if there's another Age.

I don't know. We're trying not to take chances. Look, if the opportunity is here before you to leave this condition, to overcome this world, why take a chance on being satisfied with just 'being saved' for a later date? Why not 'yield'? Yield? What does that mean? Turning yourself over to your Heavenly Father, saying, "I'm putty in Your hands." Lucifer's camp comes rushing in and says, "See. Brainwashed condition." And yet if you love our Father, you'd say, "Oh, I hope so. I hope brainwashed condition." Our Father jumps in and says, "Nope, unfortunately, can't do that. I'll give you my mind as long as you continue to seek it - more of it, and more of it, as you desire it. And I must admit, the more you have of it, the more we will be alike, and the more commonness that you will experience (witness) in the other members of the Household of our Father."

Lucifer's camp over here thinks they're such "individuals," so liberated, and they're not brainwashed. They think they're going their own way, they're entrepreneurs in everything they do. Start writing a little chart of what they're into, and then let's discuss who's "brainwashed," who's under somebody's spell, who's almost a robot without knowing it, thinking that they're individual. They're individual in that they may go to different beauty parlors, and different manicurists, and different wedding chapels, but they do the same things. Maybe it's Italian instead of Chinese at the restaurant, or it's Methodist instead of Presbyterian - they think they're so individual to have those little differences, when they're no differences at all.

Ok, let's go to the next question.

Student: If I'm seeking the Truth, and I really want to know the Truth, will I find God?

Do: (Laughs) Of course, the answer is, from where we sit, if you're seeking the Truth, we have to say, "Our Father is the Truth." We have to say, "We have found the Truth," for we have found our Father. We know the difference now. We have advanced to the condition of knowing the difference. But the danger is that there are many, in seeking the "Truth," who would arrive at a condition of finding "God," but it might be the wrong god. A common thing in seeking the "truth" when you're on the wrong track is to end up with somewhat of an intellectualized agnostic condition of saying, "Well, I just can't know the Truth. Therefore, I'll be as good a humanitarian as I can be. I'll serve my fellow man, and I'll work for charitable organizations, and I'll be an educator, and I'll learn everything I can learn." But, you know what? Their behavior and their indulgences continue to be the same behavior and indulgences of all those others out there who have not started any program of overcoming. Now, we can't really blame them for having not started a program of overcoming, because, unfortunately, there's that ingredient that exists, that our Father's Kingdom says, "I have to send you a Rep. I have to send somebody representing the Kingdom of Heaven that will take you through that overcoming. And that's their responsibility - to take you through it." And we'll talk about that more. Did that answer your question?

Student: Yes.

Do: State your question one more time.

Student: I wanted to know if I look for the "Truth," and I really want to know it, will the end result be finding God?

Do: Well, certainly from our point of view, yes. From most of the departments in Lucifer's corporation, you will find "cosmic consciousness," or "universal mind," "liberated spirit" - unrealistic fantasies of going to other worlds in out-of-body experiences. I don't want to start condemning religions, but, you know, there's something we have to return to here, and that is that our Father's Truth is not a religion. It's simply the facts. Simply the way it is - it's the facts. Once we even begin to label it "religion" we are already, at that point, a significant degree away from the facts, the Truth. So, then the question comes up, "If that's the case, then what church is it that's going to get in"? Well, what does the word "church" mean? "Church" is a body of believers. There's no special denomination or religion that has a foothold, or that's going to get the door open to them where the others aren't. Even though I must admit that our Father's Kingdom did, in its teaching process in this particular Age, relate more directly with the Jewish experience as recorded in the Old Testament of our Bible, and in the relationship of Jesus with His disciples, and the other records that are shown in the New Testament of the Bible. That is still the most accurate account of our Father's Kingdom's relationship to humans in this Earth Age.

But, you out there, I'm sure the question could come into your mind, "Well then, what am I to do about my present church? You know, my folks are Catholic, or they're Methodist, or they're this, or that. Does that mean I just throw that away"? Do you throw away any good stepping stone? You consider thanksgiving for that stepping stone. You don't condemn anyone who is on that stepping stone; you praise them, particularly if they just moved into that stepping stone from one that was less like our Father's Kingdom in behavior and in concept. And you think, well, at least they're trying to get closer. But, as we think of prophesy and the end times, we have to think of the true Church. The true Church is a body of believers that know the Truth - just a group of individuals that know the Truth (know the facts). That's kind of a funny term because they know a little bit of the Truth, and they come more into the Truth, and they come more into the Truth, and they come more into the Truth, as they fight off the untruth, fight off the untruth, and shed it.

In our classroom situation and the overcoming that these students have been through, they've been through hell. If there ever was a hell, they've been through it. If there ever was a purgatory, they've been through it. And I'm sure they can't count the number of times that they doubted everything, and they wondered, "What on Earth am I doing"? Then there were times when they would come and say, "I did this, and I'm sure it was very offensive to the Kingdom of Heaven, and to you and Ti, and anybody representing the Kingdom of Heaven. You've got to help me get control of it. You've got to help me get past it."

And that is the process of growth. That is the process of overcoming. Recognizing that you've slipped. Recognizing that your behavior has been a little less than it should have been, and you see it now as worse than "a little less" and you find it intolerable. And so you have to - what's the pattern? - Ask. You have to come back, put it in front of your teachers and say, "I hate to admit this, but I did this, and I don't want to do it anymore. Will you help me? I know I can get past it." Then the teacher says to the Older Member, "You heard what they just said. Can we help them? Do you want to help them"? And so the information comes. It may not come right on the spot. It may cause them to wonder for a period of time, "Why am I not getting help"? They may even in the meantime fall again, and by falling again, then they hurt even more, because they want to overcome. And they're moving closer as they're in that process.

I know that we have not gotten into the specifics of what separating from the world is - what overcoming the world is. We've talked about it a lot, but we haven't gotten into any significant amount of the specifics, and we're right next to the end of today's session. We will get into those specifics in our next session, because it's time. I want to end this session with asking that you, as an observer of these tapes, I want to suggest, if you want to, that you go and find a private spot and reach as high as you can reach and say, "What direction should I take? I don't want to be misled. I don't want to be led away from You. I want to find my God." It's safer looking for your Heavenly Father than it is to look for Truth, even though they are the same thing. We'll see you in the next session.

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