Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK VI CHAPTER VI

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 How Sir Launcelot was received of King Bagdemagus'
 daughter, and how he made his complaint to her father.
 AND soon as Sir Launcelot came within the abbey yard, the
 daughter of King Bagdemagus heard a great horse go on the
 pavement.  And she then arose and yede unto a window, and there
 she saw Sir Launcelot, and anon she made men fast to take his
 horse from him and let lead him into a stable, and himself was
 led into a fair chamber, and unarmed him, and the lady sent him a
 long gown, and anon she came herself.  And then she made
 Launcelot passing good cheer, and she said he was the knight in
 the world was most welcome to her.  Then in all haste she sent
 for her father Bagdemagus that was within twelve mile of that
 Abbey, and afore even he came, with a fair fellowship of knights
 with him.  And when the king was alighted off his horse he yode
 straight unto Sir Launcelot's chamber and there he found his
 daughter, and then the king embraced Sir Launcelot in his arms,
 and either made other good cheer.
 Anon Sir Launcelot made his complaint unto the king how he was
 betrayed, and how his brother Sir Lionel was departed from him he
 wist not where, and how his daughter had delivered him out of
 prison; Therefore while I live I shall do her service and all her
 kindred.  Then am I sure of your help, said the king, on Tuesday
 next coming.  Yea, sir, said Sir Launcelot, I shall not fail you,
 for so I have promised my lady your daughter.  But, sir, what
 knights be they of my lord Arthur's that were with the King of
 Northgalis?  And the king said it was Sir Mador de la Porte, and
 Sir Mordred and Sir Gahalantine that all for-fared my knights,
 for against them three I nor my knights might bear no strength. 
 Sir, said Sir Launcelot, as I hear say that the tournament shall
 be here <184>within this three mile of this abbey, ye shall send
 unto me three knights of yours, such as ye trust, and look that
 the three knights have all white shields, and I also, and no
 painture on the shields, and we four will come out of a little
 wood in midst of both parties, and we shall fall in the front of
 our enemies and grieve them that we may; and thus shall I not be
 known what knight I am.
 So they took their rest that night, and this was on the Sunday,
 and so the king departed, and sent unto Sir Launcelot three
 knights with the four white shields.  And on the Tuesday they
 lodged them in a little leaved wood beside there the tournament
 should be.  And there were scaffolds and holes that lords and
 ladies might behold and to give the prize.  Then came into the
 field the King of Northgalis with eight score helms.  And then
 the three knights of Arthur's stood by themselves.  Then came
 into the field King Bagdemagus with four score of helms.  And
 then they feutred their spears, and came together with a great
 dash, and there were slain of knights at the first recounter
 twelve of King Bagdemagus' party, and six of the King of
 Northgalis' party, and King Bagdemagus' party was far set aback.