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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                                    The Gaea Thesis
      IN order the understand the nature of the All-Mother, we must first
      understand our own origins.  Each of began our individual life as a single,
      fertilized cell or zygote.  In the processs of its innumerable divisions
      and multiplications, that cell kept dividing up and redistributing the very
      same protoplasm.  That protoplasm which now courses through all of the
      several trillion cells of your adult body is the very same substance which
      once coursed through the bosy of that original zygote.  For when a cell
      reproduces, the mother cell does not remain intact, but actually becomes
      the two new daughter cells.  ANd this is  why, no matter how many times a
      cell fissions in the process of embryological development, all the daughter
      cells collectively continue to compprise but one single organism.
      We may imagine that, should our cells have consciousness akin to our own,
      they may very well fancy themselves to be independent entities living and
      dying in a world that to them would seem to be merely an inanimate environ-
      ment.  But we know them to be in fact minute components of the far vaster
      living beings that we ourselves are.
      Over four billion years ago, life on Earth bega, as do we all, with a
      single living cell containing a replicating molecule of DNA.  From that
      point on that original cell, the first to develop the awesome capacity for
      reproduction, divided and redividied and subdivided its protoplasm into the
      myriads of plants and animals, including ourselvs, which now inhabit this
      third planet from the Sun.
      But no matter how many times a cell fissions in the process of embryolog-
      ical development, all the daughter cells collectively continue to comprise
      but one single organism.  ALl life on Earth comprises the body of single
      vast living being -- Mother Earth Herself.  The Moon is Her radiant heart,
      and in the tides beat the pulse of Her blood.  That protoplasm which
      coursed through the body of that first primeval ancestral cell is the very
      protoplasm which now courses through every cell of every living organism,
      plant or animal,of our planet. And the soul of our planetary biosphere is
      She whom we call Goddess/
              "First life on my sources
              First drifted and swam
              Out of me are the forces
              Which save it or damn
              Out of man and woman
                      and wild-beast and bird
                             BOOK OF SHADOWS 
                            VOLUME The SIXTH
                             pp. 2400 -2856
                       RIDERS OF THE CRYSTAL WIND 

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